Tag: <span>Samsung Galaxy II Plus</span>

Ladies and gentlemen, this week, Shindroid 2.0 was demoted to Wi-Fi hotspot status. It’s been a good year, we texted and created Google+ Stories together. We managed company accounts on the go and crashed onto many a floor. Finally, Shiku’s Samsung Galaxy S II Plus, a.k.a. Shindroid 2.0 is no longer the one who is with me everywhere I go. I managed to render the camera completely useless and give the body a good beating from thinking I could live without a phone cover. I love my phones as slim as possible. Slim and light.

Enter Shindroid 2.1. The Samsung Galaxy S4.


Of course the week was not going to end without a post in here. We are all about being disciplined and whatnot. This was going to be another girly post. But one of my Google+ peeps requested me to do a review of my Samsung Galaxy S II Plus. Yes. I know. People are getting Galaxy 5 handsets and I am here with another generation of Galaxy from back in the day. (S II Plus if from January 2013 but you get my drift.) And I love it! The reason the title reads happier is because I wrote a sad Samsung story before and I claimed I’d never buy another Samsung phone in my life.
