Category: <span>Technology</span>

Back by public demand. Or rather, because Dickson insisted. So, guys, I mentioned that I ditched Samsung phones. For good. Okay, maybe never say never. Maybe they will change. I went into the bowels of Luthuli Avenue and got my awesome Sony Xperia Z5. Oh yes I did, a while back. I am a hustler, people. Get this, the authorized Sony dealer that was based next to Uchumi Sarit Centre (until recently, not sure where it was moved to) was selling it for almost 80,000 KES. 80,000 people! Who does that? Like why, then, don’t I just get the S7 that everyone was head over heels and that very much tempted me? That camera, eish!

Anyway, I was not going to change my mind because of a camera and good customer service at their service centres. No way. Background, Shindroid 2.1 went kaput for a while. I think I jinxed after I wrote about it. I had to go back to Samsung folks to fix it at an outrageous price. But a Kikuyu had mercy on me and did the same thing for almost half the price. So it’s a brand new phone again and belongs to my mother. Two birds, one stone.

So how much, did I buy my Sony Z5? Take a wild guess.


If you have that one laptop that has been with you through thick and thin for many years put up your hand. Thanks. Put it down. I was not going to write about my laptop journey but then I turned on this thing only for it to shut down after ten seconds. Reason? Battery. It is now a desktop. I can only use it when it’s connected to power. Another handy trick that makes it last for a few minutes is charging removing the battery while it is connected and then putting it back. It’s annoying. I am not about to get a new battery. Why? This is the second battery to have served this laptop. The first died the same way.


I was eventually going to run on near empty if I wrote everyday. Hehe. Anyway, it’s 11.21 pm and I’ll beat the deadline.

If you’ve been here a while, you must remember my many posts about my Samsung phones. Well, I can tell you now, without mincing my words, that I’ll never buy a Samsung phone again, for myself. I added that part because I just bought one for my dad. He insisted he only trusts Samsung, now that he doesn’t have his beloved Nokia choice. Oh well. At least I got to be offered a drink at that Samsung shop near Lifestyle. Lol.


“Our best boys go on to Alliance. In work, they do very well indeed, but in all the ways I care most about they do badly. They seem to me to become insufferably conceited, unctuously pious, selfish, slack at everything except books and examinations. Year by year, the best boys go; the rot sets in and they disintegrate. They lose all love of Maseno, which stands for different things” – Edward Carey Francis (while principal at Maseno)


Why is it such a big deal for some of us to keep track of the dates and times? Today, for instance, marks eight years since we finished the last paper in KCSE 2007. It was Computer Studies Paper 2 – Practical. It was about Afya Medical Centre’s hospital management system. Actually, you can view the archived question here

Guests Technology

If you are like me, that is. Our friend B just joined the Android world (he finally admitted that Windows phones suck) and asked me to recommend apps. So I remembered that I have never actually written about the apps that make me sleep better at night. So here goes:


Sometimes, I read books. Boring books. Books that suck the life out of me. Books that claim to be New York Times bestsellers. Books that everyone else has read. Most times, I let them sit on my headboard, waiting for a second chance. Other times I let them sit on my shelf until the day I feel they might be interesting again because my understanding of them has changed with experience. Often times, I just give them out because it’s not good to hoard stuff that someone else might enjoy. I gave away The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari. I couldn’t stand it. Turns out my BFF’s mum loved it. I also gave away two John Grisham books: Sycamore Row and Gray Mountain. Honestly John bored me to death with these two. Bear in mind I’m a Grisham girl. Why would he bore me then, you ask? I have a theory.


Ladies and gentlemen, this week, Shindroid 2.0 was demoted to Wi-Fi hotspot status. It’s been a good year, we texted and created Google+ Stories together. We managed company accounts on the go and crashed onto many a floor. Finally, Shiku’s Samsung Galaxy S II Plus, a.k.a. Shindroid 2.0 is no longer the one who is with me everywhere I go. I managed to render the camera completely useless and give the body a good beating from thinking I could live without a phone cover. I love my phones as slim as possible. Slim and light.

Enter Shindroid 2.1. The Samsung Galaxy S4.


You have seen, heard and read adverts since you were able to do so. They were not as many as they are today. The more they increase and get more intrusive, they more I ignore them, especially online. Maybe you do too. I have AdBlock specially installed for that. I even tried to get it for my Android but it did not work quite right. The fact that we want to block ads means that we don’t deem them necessary enough to warrant the disruption of our TV viewing or web browsing, especially when they are intrusive. The essence of digital marketing, or marketing for that matter, is the impact you make on any one person to the point that he/she spreads the word to another person/people. The power of word of mouth. And why would you, for instance, spread the word?


You have that one browser you love to bits. Mine happens to be Google Chrome. I have tried working with Mozilla Firefox and I did not last long. And the only reason I tried it is because I thought Chrome was weighing my laptop down. At first, I thought it was the number of extensions I had on it, so I disabled all of them. However, I could not carry out my work as social media manager efficiently, so I had to bring my must-have extensions back.

These are my favourite browser extensions which you will probably love too, if you don’t already, especially if you are also in my line of work i.e. you manage blogs and social media accounts for most of your days.


Of course the week was not going to end without a post in here. We are all about being disciplined and whatnot. This was going to be another girly post. But one of my Google+ peeps requested me to do a review of my Samsung Galaxy S II Plus. Yes. I know. People are getting Galaxy 5 handsets and I am here with another generation of Galaxy from back in the day. (S II Plus if from January 2013 but you get my drift.) And I love it! The reason the title reads happier is because I wrote a sad Samsung story before and I claimed I’d never buy another Samsung phone in my life.



The journey to this place began a while back. A while back when someone asked me why I don’t blog seriously. I dilly-dallied. The Kikuyu in me could not wrap…


So she gave you her phone number and you feel a tad achieved. Cool. But do you know why? If you thought that is the first step in the ‘ingia…

Love Technology

Well, for starters we would not be here, you and me. I’d probably be in a publishing house somewhere editing manuscripts because my job description would not even exist. Or…

