The not writing was getting toxic, so I am back to writing as often as I possibly can. Last July, I wrote a similar post. Can you believe it? It’s been a year! Then I just read it and realized, boy do we change! Just wait and see. Also, this is now, officially a yearly post.
1. Quarter-full bottle of Stoney Tangawizi
Depending on how you look at is, that is. It is three-quarter full if you subscribe to that school of thought. I am not a fan of soda, but sometimes, I insist. This is from Friday. Imagine. And it’s still fizzy.
Takeaway: Plastic bottles are not that bad, they keep stuff fresh. Just dispose them of correctly.
2. Notebook
This is still here, as was last year. Only a different notebook. Kartasi. More or less still new. My other bag has one that I used for sermon notes yesterday. Paper Factory brand. Those are the cutest notebooks!
Takeaway: Oh, Shiku has another bag! What?!
3. Phone accessories
Sony charger. Samsung earphones. Yes, I ditched Samsung. Finally. Now you know. Sony is A.W.E.S.O.M.E. Does not overheat. Is sleek. Although I cover this with a rubber cover. And the charger is not white. I was getting tired of the whiteness. |I still use the Samsung white ones though. Thank you.
But wait, Samsung tablet is still in here. Almost forgot. That is basically my Kindle, where the epubs lie in wait for my reading.
Takeaway: Don’t throw the baby out (Samsung accessories) with the bath water (Samsung phone). I am clearly misusing a legit idiom. Moving on.
4. Wallet/Purse
Depending on who was your teacher of English, we can call it either names. Shiku of 2016 is a bit organized. This contains notes, cards, licences etc and just one receipt. Phew. I started throwing the receipts out. I still have a few, but not the bunch I had before.
Takeaway: Even the most stubborn people can see the light.
5. Separate purse
For coins and keys. Hallelujah! Man Shiku has really seen the light. No more coins and notes anywhere and everywhere. Fay tissues. I am still faithful. Sanitary pads. You just never know.
Takeaway: People grow up fast.
6. Pen, pencil, highlighter
Duh. I need stuff to write when called upon. Also I need to deface a novel if something really deep is said therein.
Takeaway: The more things change, the more they remain the same.
7. Afro comb
Note how I specified the type of comb. I cut my hair this year. So every morning I have to comb the steelwool into shape. In my house, people steal combs from each other, because three of us have short hair. I bought this one and kept it in my bag. No one can steal it from my bag.
Takeaway: Let no one lie to you, short hair is not very manageable.
8. Drum rolls please… Lipstick carton
Hahaha! Seriously, I thought I had lipstick in here. What am I even doing with the carton? Baby steps. I bought lipstick last weekend. The closest colour I could find to my lips. Mocha. Pauline Cosmetics. Buy Kenya, build Kenya. Ah found it. It was in my coat pocket. I am clearly not used to this. Well, this is a huge step yet again. Remember I said I could not do this any time soon. Well, here we are. Also, Nivea lip balm.
Takeaway: If anyone says to this mountain, move…
9. Airtel modem
I am obviously not using it for its intended purpose. No. I am using a Safaricom modem to upload this post. The Airtel modem is a flashdisk in disguise. I gave up on real flash disks. I have no idea where my last one went. It just packed up and left. Seriously. So I chose to stick with this bigger version.
10. Book: Go Set a Watchman
Now, To Kill a Mockingbird was super awesome. I am, however, struggling to pick up a pace with this one. Still on it though.
Takeaway: Sequels are a gamble.
11. Orbit Professional Strong Mint Chewing Gum
These pellets I have to have from the checkout point at the supermarket. And they have changed how they look like now. Not Dentine. Not PK. Just Orbit Professional. Gives me an excuse for not brushing my teeth at night.
Takeaway: I know you are shaking your head. We have established that I should brush my teeth tonight.
That’s pretty much it. Of course the bag is big enough to fit in a plastic container when I feeling all girly and want to bring something edible to the office, but that rarely happens. No more maize combs, maybe a fruit. The more things change, the more they remain the same. Spot the differences. Have you changed much since last year? For better or for worse? Till death… Look at me sneaking in marriage stuff in a completely unrelated post. Smh. Focus. Spot the differences in your bag i.e. life.
Where did you buy the paperback version of Go Set A Watchman? I can only find the hardcover version.
TBC. Sarit Centre. It’s been there for quite a while. Both versions.
I like your post Shiko
Thanks for reading, Mary.
I am just happy that there are two posts this week. Can we get a dance!!
Hahaha! Let’s not jinx it.
aaalot have changed eg keeping time …heheheh *winks
Haha! Amen to keeping time. 😉
and what to the lolipops cos i still have mine in my bag till now….guess i haven’t out grown it