Living in the Present

Today has been usual. Nothing to write home about, until Betty nominated me for the Bible challenge on Facebook. Then pieces began falling together. I am a believer in things coming together for a purpose. Case in point:

Today’s scripture on my Faithlife Study Bible was about forgetting the things of the past. I read it as I left a matatu in Karen. The art was pretty nice and I wanted to share it then somehow I forgot about it. If you have that Study Bible app, you know what I am talking about.

Then it happens. Right after leaving a matatu from Karen, after the kange vexed me to an extent I deem only reachable by people very close to me, I settled in a better mat to read C. S. Lewis. And I happened to have just reached the chapter on the past, present and future. I know I have been talking too much about C. S. Lewis of late but I guess that is what happens when you start reading his books.

There’s an interesting picture drawn about how the future can stop us from living for here and now while entrusting the unknown to Him who holds eternity. The past is also a great place to focus on if you want to be stuck in a rut forever. Especially if you think the past was better than now. The future is even more complex because it’s not determinate. (The words I am beginning to use from reading this 20th century English!) So what is the best you can do right now? Do what you should and can now.

18“Forget the former things;
    do not dwell on the past.
19 See, I am doing a new thing!
    Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
    and streams in the wasteland.                      Isaiah 43:18-19

See what He’s doing now. That new thing. Do something with it. Don’t focus too much on what might happen ten years from now or focus on the past. I love history btw, because it’s simply fascinating. The distinction is dwelling on it. I am all for planning too. No one here is implying that should not plan. When that planning becomes worrying; therein lies problem. God knows I am planning to learn how to drive this year and I am still getting married in 2017. Jesus said it, didn’t he? Living in the present sounds like a redundant phrase btw, if you ask me. It’s in present tense for a reason, right?

“If what you did yesterday still looks big to you, you haven’t done much today.”

Of course I was going to leave you with a cliché. Because I am one of those people who believe that a cliché is probably a cliché because it’s true.

(All the today’s mentioned here are really yesterday. I just posted this today.)


  1. Billy Adera said:

    Thank you for that. So which book should I start with by C.S Lewis?

    20th March 2015
    • Shiku Ngigi said:

      I started with this one, this late. The Screwtape Letters. Still reading it very slowly. Sometimes I reread. But most normal kids started with The Chronicles of Narnia. 😀 I didn’t. I will still read those books one of these days.

      20th March 2015
  2. Billy Adera said:

    Chronicles of Narnia I already saw the movies, I might not be patient enough reading. So lemme join you then and start with that as soon as I get somebody to remember I also accept books as random gifts

    22nd March 2015
    • Shiku Ngigi said:

      Lol! Look out for them kwa hawkers pia.

      22nd March 2015

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