So everyone seems to assume that just because teachers were on strike, they were in bed sleeping. Well, they were not. At least the ones I know were not. To…
Tag: <span>Student</span>
I tend to think I am too naïve for my age. You may find yourself thinking the same when you do something that lands you in trouble. At some point…
(Too bad I abandoned my diary for this place. Here goes…)
I am trying really hard to love a place, to go about my day without complaining but a myriad of things get in the way.
I wake up, the doors are all locked except the main one, for a week now.
I am in the library. Why? I have a number of reasons.
One, I felt it would give me a sense of achievement to walk up to this place from the comfort of my room and do some substantial studying in a studious environment. Could I have done the same or even more back in that room? Only God knows.