My Year in Music (2019)

Who does a music-in-2019 post in 2020? 

Us those.

2019 has come and gone with a lot of changes and moments. When the year started, someone came over here and shouted that he still misses when I used to introduce him to new jams. Say no more…

99% of my time listening to music is spent on Apple Music nowadays. The other 1% is divided between YouTube and Pearl Radio.

Pearl Radio

I discovered Pearl Radio by pure chance the first day I decided to turn on the radio in the house since I was alone at the end of October. I was scrolling through channels and I heard a Kenyan gospel classic. So I stopped there. I listened. Classic after classic played. I fell in love. I tried to search for it on Google because I was not 100% sure what the twenging voiceover was saying. Pearl? Pulse? Eventually I decided it didn’t matter. All I needed were those cool mixes of Zaidi ya Mziki, VUC, Daddy Owen and crew, the list goes on… Check it out on your dial: 96.9FM. When you listen to it too much, you start hearing the same songs over and over again. But I don’t mind. Because whoever it is behind the station probably was a teenager around the same time I was; jumping up and down to those songs in the 2000s.

Back to Apple Music. Apparently for the first time, they have made it possible for us to see our entire year in Music by listing top songs, albums and artists. You can also see some replays from the past years too. Mine was very interesting to look at because it tells a very clear story of how my music taste has evolved after I considered myself of age to listen to certain songs because I finally now have someone to sing them to. You will soon see what I mean. 😉


Sample this:

As you can tell, all I was singing half the time were love and happy songs. 🙂

Why is “Shotgun” at the top, you ask?

Anyone who has been situated near me between 2018 and 2019 knows that I could not stop playing Shotgun. ESPECIALLY in the car. I mean it makes total sense. Riding shotgun. George Ezra has the most amazing voice. I was so shocked to see him later on. I could not understand how that voice was coming from a man that looks like he does, age and all. I got used to it eventually. 

How I discovered the song? Apple Music’s Feeling Happy playlist. It was the first playlist outside my comfort zone I started listening to on the app. It is continually updated though, so some original songs are weeded out every once in a while.

As for “Riptide”, I am not 100% sure how I ended up playing it that many times, but I think it is because it ends up in all the playlists I loved. Feeling Happy. Charm. (They deleted this playlist though But I was way ahead of them and duplicated it before it happened.) Everyday Hits. It’s a great song all the same. Even when I can’t hear some things. LOL. The one phrase that always sticks with me is “Closest thing to Michelle Pfeiffer that you’ve ever seen.” Had to Google the spelling. Obviously.

Image result for think meme

“I’m Yours”, “I Don’t Care”, “These Days”, “Happier”, “Thunder”… You can clearly see the pattern. Songalong, feelgood vibes. I am all about that.


Out of the blue, my eyes were opened and I could not stop listening to Trip Lee after centuries. I mean, I have always loved him, but for some reason I never paid attention to The Waiting Room until last year. I could not stop playing Too Cold

My relationship with Magic System (lol) started in French class. This teacher who would step in for our regular one kept talking about African French songs and I decided to venture into that genre. I started listening to Premier Gauo and couldn’t stop. I remember it used to be played everywhere in my teenage years. Then I just went all into Radio Afrika. I feel in love with “Sweet Fanta Diallo” hadi I wekad it as my ringtone which I never hear because my phone is always on vibrate mode. LOL. Who does that?

As for Hillsong UNITED, it’s all from them Apple Music Essentials playlists. You will find Hillsong UNITED Essentials under Apple Music Inspirational. And SOZO Playlists’ Worship at Work. SOZO Playlists are super awesome, full of Christian and Gospel playlists.

Lauren Daigle really took off the past two years. I have always loved her voice and messages. Everyone and their mother has heard “You Say” from Look Up Child. I particularly loved “Rolling Stones” and “Look Up Child”. I played it on repeat for days.

Lecrae will always feature on my lists. Not so much for current songs but for them old ones that you will find on Lecrae Essentials.


Apparently, I listened to JESUS IS KING a lot. 😂

  • JESUS IS KING, Kanye West
  • Between Two Worlds, Trip Lee
  • The Good Life, Trip Lee
  • Radio Afrika, Magic System
  • Our World Redeemed, Flame
  • Weight & Glory, KB
  • The Very Best of Daudi Kabaka, Daudi Kabaka
  • Royal Flush, Flame
  • Gold: Greatest Hits, ABBA
  • Jesus or Nothing, Flame

Mimi I just love revisiting old music. Clearly.



  1. Hannah Olukoye said:

    I love pearl radio too. Thanks to hubby for the introduction.

    15th January 2020
    • Shiku Njathi said:

      IKR? Yayy!

      15th January 2020
  2. miki elvis said:

    the leper that came back to say thank you for the new introduction

    22nd February 2020
    • shikungigi said:

      😊 Most welcome!

      22nd February 2020

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