Tag: <span>Google</span>

“Hi Shiku!”
“Hi there.”
“How’s school?”
“School? What school?”

Okay, people. It has come to my attention that some of you think I am still in school (going by the messages I am receiving on phone and Facebook). Well, here is the news. I am no longer a student. I cleared from Moi University on Tuesday the 9th of July 2013.

Moi University

First things first, nothing is up with my WhatsApp. I don’t have WhatsApp. I had it, but I don’t anymore. No, my phone did not fall into water or get…


You are seated at home enjoying a movie or getting warm by the fireplace. Your phone rings. Almost by reflex, you pick it up and hit a button. Ah, it’s your friend from class. He’s remembered me after three months, you think to yourself, must be something important. You sit up and take in the contents of the text. “Sasa, my dear! Nimeona kwa 3rd Eye ati tunafungua next week.”


Maybe you are not reading it right. You read it again.

Moi University

OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ACADEMIC OFFICER: Moi University wishes to inform all students that the double intake was too much for the institution to handle and therefore has not scheduled opening dates.

Moi University

Bored cannot begin to describe what I am right now. It is a Sunday night I have been stuck in my room watching movies because I have managed to push…


Of late, I have been thinking about thinking. What it is. What it entails. What it leads to. One thing I am sure about though is that everything I do…
